Bowen Xu

2015 1+4 Master-Docter combined program. Tutor: Prof. Gui-Song Xia & Prof. Liangpei Zhang


Research interests: Scene understanding and reconstruction


I am a Ph.D student with CAPTAIN team of Wuhan University. I am working with Prof. Gui-Song Xia and Prof. Liangpei Zhang. Prior to that, I received my Bachelor's degree (2015) in communication engineering from Electronic Information School, Wuhan University, China. I have been working toward the Ph.D. degree (Master-Docter combined degree program) in State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS) of Wuhan University since 2015.

I am interested in scene understanding and reconstruction.


  • Conference Papers

  • Finding edges of buildings via a junction process in high-resolution remotely sensed images.
    Bowen Xu, Nan Xue, Gui-Song Xia, and Liangpei Zhang.
    IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015.