Professor Minling Zhang was invited to make an academic report at LIESMARS, Wuhan University

Position posted on: 2016-12-27

Professor Minling Zhang, from Southeast University, was invited to make an academic report named "Binary Relevance for Multi-Label Learning" at LIESMARS, Wuhan University at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of 26 Dec. 2016. The report was hosted by Professor GuiSong Xia. Professor Liangpei Zhang attended the report. Students really enjoyed the discussions with Professor Minling Zhang.

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Brief Introduction: Minling Zhang is the professor of Southeast University. He received the B.S. degree, M.Sc degree the Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University, China, in 2001, 2004 and 2007, respectively. His research interests include machine learning and data mining.He served as the member of the standing committee of China Computer Federation on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, the secretary-general of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence on Machine Learning, etc. Professor Minling Zhang has also been appointed as the editorial advisory board of Neural Nerworks、Frontiers of Computer Science, Journal of Software, etc. He is also the guest editor of Machine Learning. He is invited as the program committee chair of ACML'17 and PRICAI'16. He also is the international conference chairman or senior program committee members of AAAI'17, IJCAI'17, ICDM'16 and ACML'16. He achieved the Excellent Youth Science Foundation of NSFC in 2012. And in 2015, he was selected as the Young Scholars of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme of China.